Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Closing Summer, Opening School

School starts after Labor Day weekend for the first time in many, many years. Not just in our county, but all across the state of Maryland. Our summer was longer than usual and it was much appreciated by all.

So now it's August 22nd and I am officially back in school mode. Being an elementary school teacher, there is much to be done in preparing for a new school year. I tend to always ride on a mixture of emotions at this point in the year. I can be as excited as a kiddo in a candy store (but wanting the best and most tempting new classroom supplies/ideas), to being downright stupefied in all the decision making and planning that goes on before school even starts!

Here me out, I cannot imagine myself in any other place at this time in my life. I am completely challenged by my career, I love learning to the point of exhaustion and there is nothing better than making a child feel good about themselves, their ideas and individuality while in my care.

Cheers to all the elementary teachers of the world!

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